Dr Patrick Marks,  Founder & President

Welcome to FourteenSix Christian Academy! We believe the main responsibility for the education of children lies with parents (Duet. 6:7, Prov. 22:6, I Tim. 5:14, Eph. 6:4) thus, we see our role at the Academy as fellow-labourers in the training of young disciples of Jesus Christ. Discipleship is our goal and academics is the vehicle. 

FourteenSix Christian Academy was founded in 2014 and is a ministry of Calvary Chapel FourteenSix. The name "FourteenSix" comes from the founding Scripture of the church, John 14:6 -Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me."


The vision of FourteenSix Christian Academy is to equip young people to be able to answer the worlds question's regarding the hope that is within (1 Peter 3:15), therefore, we are dedicated to building Biblically literate, academically proficient young people with a well-grounded Biblical worldview from which they can build successful lives.


The mission of FourteenSix Christian Academy is to create a Christ-centered nurturing environment with biblically based academic excellence empowering students for life-long service to the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Academics as a means of discipleship

Everyone has a worldview. A worldview is a connected set of beliefs about the real world and what the real world should be like. It is like wearing colored sunglasses. If the glasses are tinted green, then everything in the world appears green to the person wearing the glasses. The sunglasses color how the wearer sees the world. 

In general, the public education worldview is secular, that is, it is not based on the Bible. Most secular educational philosophy is based on the ideas that people are basically good and just need the proper environment to become productive members of the community. This worldview tends to erode personal responsibility because the result is that if a child is not learning, it is the fault of exterior issues such as society…or the teacher…or parents etc., but not the attitude of heart of the student. 

The secular view is that students naturally want to learn academics and just need to be encouraged to become "life-long learners." Students only need to be exposed to information to accomplish learning; therefore, it is academically unhealthy to use rote memorization of facts as a learning tool and absolute truth concepts - especially in religious, moral or philosophical beliefs - should be avoided or kept private (and discouraged). 

The founder of FourteenSix Christian Academy, Dr. Patrick Marks, was a public-school educator and personally watched many students flounder both morally and academically when influenced by this system. As a result, Dr. Marks designed the basic structure of the Academy to be based on a Biblical worldview. 

In a Biblical worldview, people do have the capacity to be good because they are created in the image of God, but since human beings have fallen away from God, there is a natural tendency in every person to rebel and promote a personal agenda. Human beings need boundaries, need to feel rewards and consequences, and need to learn to rely on God's spirit to be truly good. Learning is therefore the responsibility of the free-will response of the learner, not the environment per se. 

In short, the Biblical worldview is that students generally want to learn only what they desire to learn, not what they need to learn. Students need boundaries, guidance, and firm encouragement to learn the proper building blocks of knowledge based squarely on Proverbs 1:7 which reads, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction" and Psalm 119: 11 which reads, "Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You." In the Biblical worldview for learning, memorization is foundational and absolute truth is knowable. 

At FourteenSix Academy, discipleship training is our PRIORITY. We believe in strong academics based on a classical model, but everything we study links back to following Jesus.

Our Beliefs

Traditional classroom instruction, in general, takes place in a setting where students are given training while assembled, learning primarily through lecture under the close supervision of a teacher. Classroom instruction is not negative per se, and we are not advocates of abandoning it, but in our modern culture it has been used to promote, through a herd-like mentality, a world-based educational philosophy. What matters is the educational philosophy being promoted. 

  Today's modern educational philosophy, in large part, stems from a Darwinist, socialist foundation. Darwinism elevates the survival of the whole over the dignity of the individual. This philosophy is largely unwritten but, in general, the result is a growing sense of "group-think" and allegiance to a community narrative in contrast to individual rational thought. In short, the public system tends to teach people WHAT to think whereas the Academy works to teach students HOW to think.

The Trivium is defined as the ancient Greek / Roman classical model of learning called the Trivium. Today, we define this as "the Trilogy," which is the philosophy that learning is best achieved recognizing and working within the characteristics of three distinct stages: 

   The Data stage (What-based learning. The memory of facts as building blocks), 

  ...the Discussion stage (Why-based learning. This is answering why things work or happen or matter.), 

  …and the Demonstration stage (How-based learning. Researching a subject and presenting what has been learned through papers, mini-lessons, debates, and presentations). 

  The Trilogy can be used to master a subject - thus, a student learns to first identify and memorize facts of a subject as building blocks, then learns how these building blocks link and finally demonstrates to others what has been learned since teaching is the best way to learn. The trilogy can also correspond to general areas of human development, thus in general, K - 5 students function best pursuing data-based learning, 6 - 8 students function best pursuing Discussion based learning and 9 - 12 students do best with demonstration-based learning. The Academy focuses on using the trilogy within subjects and in the general sense.

Our educational philosophy is that all students have the capacity to learn but the condition of the heart is what leads students to actually learn. As such, it is not the external environment that leads to learning but rather the development of a soft, willing, teachable heart that leads to learning. Our goal is to appeal to the heart of the student through philosophical, ethical, Biblical and academic apologetics threaded into our curriculum. To make this a reality, the Academy shall follow a Trivium based curriculum model. The Trivium is defined as the ancient Greek / Roman classical model of learning.